Tag Archive | invisible borders



Have you heard a convoluted logic … the mind is so creepy a tool that it will take you for a jolly good ride. Truths belong to God and lies belong to the devil.

But if everything is God material then the lies of the devil become his truth .. and in return yours …. so how do you tackle that ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Its a big question … for most in the world are fools. I have been writing on the same subject for the last 4 years and when most do not take action .. its clear as crystal that the devil / god that controls your mind will do its best to keep you dumb so that all the problems it suffered in its last life .. can safely be handed over to the next generation. And there are fools who think re-incarnation is not possible. There are fools who believe that illnesses are caused by viruses and bacteria but those fools do not know that they as energy have to turn a part of their energy into a virus or bacteria and punish themselves through it. Did you even have the vaguest clue that such things are possible. The devil is a lazy bum …. do you think it has the inclination to share any of the secrets of bad with you. And even if he did .. you would think they are truths and think to yourself that this is the best that life has to offer …. for you follow the devil .. not some of the time as it was thought earlier … but most of the time .. why because what the devil does not own is the scruples to be kind or good to another. This is what you do to the God potential within you .. it has been beaten to a pulp … squashed out of shape to become what you required it to be. What can it possibly give you in the name of goodness ?????????????

Now when you make the choice to be an atheist or any other name you choose to give yourself .. its fine .. just be ready to accept all that comes with the territory. You will think you are a god having a different experience .. but a different experience does not and will not give the same results as goodness. Mostly god the alchemist will flip your energy into nothingness .. wipe the slate clean and give you another chance. Or if things are not that bad for you .. then maybe you will be gifted an illness or dis .. ease .. it will occupy all your time and resources on this earth. This is a true picture .. deny it if you will …. it is called suffering. God’s knowledge does not cause suffering .. but the devil spirit does it with such ease that I was shocked, hurt and felt stung. They hold no feelings but their own and want to offload them on mankind as many as possible. Just don’t believe that the devil is apart from you .. it is inbuilt into your psyche and beating it black and blue should be your only job in this life. First complete this task and you will be able to live in peace. The only 2 things that control life is death and poverty .. control them yourself and you have controlled your life. Make it a personal effort for your life … for the way we have been made .. this job has to be done by the self …. for the self .

So it is your choice to be a lowly creature of this earth .. but the portals of the mind in its higher balance will forever remain closed to you. I worked in peace with my mind .. all that was serene .. beautiful … good came to me through my own mind. I refuse to teach anymore to minds trying to test my patience and say … go your own way … my ways are all ways … but you question yours … whither is it leading you … if the blogs and sites on wordpress are any clue … I do feel very very sorry. I truly have nothing more to share … for my knowledge of me comes from i-cloud and it is not compatible with the outdated computers residing in minds on this earth.

You may be lucky too … you may never know that spirit runs your life basically and if that’s fine with you .. then its fine with me .. you must then walk away from this website for I have nothing to give to a closed mind letting its life be run on autopilot. Then whatever befalls you must have to be accepted





MATTER AND ANTI-MATTER                                              

History has left humankind with very few choices … it has systematically stripped every ounce of goodness from the world .. leaving all of you floundering and wondering when you hear or read of people who have become immortal .. as to the hows and whys of their success. God energy continues to send out messages to guide people of their true heritage as light energy beings of holy spirit. That I would one day choose such a magnificient task for myself … blows my mind and makes me feel so glorious to be just where I am.
As a light energy worker … I do apologize most profusely as to the millions of lies you believe in and their truths which I had to literally drag out of spirit and into my mind. So much so I could literally say … whatever you believe in .. think its opposite and it is quite likely to be the real truth. This was my experience on several occasions and I was amazed to see that when I linked to god .. I found light energy to work with and when I wanted to learn about anti-matter and dark energy … I was faced with only one option .. alchemy and the flipping of dark energy stored in us all to light energy. For it was created for just this task. I have often read that the devil must bow to god and does god’s work. So just accept yourself as the god that is being talked about and begin a new life with this knowledge. This is then the only work required for our spirit … for a light spirit throws an light energy being into form for itself while the opposite is just that … the opposite.
We are all energy beings … spirit is energy blessed with matter – and anti-matter is its alternative charge. Anti-matter or dark mass in you is the storehouse or battery for converting to light energy.
Light energy is referred to as God and ani-matter or alter-ego is referred to as dark matter. This is the spiritual explanation of the physical world as understood through physics. But when you read the physics version as explained by scientists .. you will never learn the more important spiritual explanation which allows you to understand both your worlds .. the one of spirit juxtaposed to one of matter.  As above so below is one of the most important phrases you want to remember when you understand how critical it is for your life and its well-being. Others wise it is quite possible that you will feel yourself tumbling out of the sky which is your natural home and be at sixes and sevens with where you find yourself .. for things cannot then be controlled by you to your advantage. Higher the climb of man ..is to do with Mind .. and through Mind .. for all things are achievable there … but when you see your feet on terra firma .. and think that this is your natural home … why sir/madam … how may you understand the world of mind. Even though you have been gifted a mind ?  Have you put it to good use lately ?  Guess now is a good time as any to begin to do so. Come mastermind with me .. my book MasterMind .. will put you in touch with both your worlds and the rest will be written on the pages of your history.
Was reading an article on physics .. on matter and anti-matter and my mind started to imagine … matter does move at the speed of light .. so that makes the matter light. I am referring to the matter that makes up our bodies … and then the explanation of dark matter.  Anti-matter is heavier and therefore dark but both the charges combine to create energy. And then my mind created a picture of me as dark matter .. walking over the heads of many and literally stomping over them and I thought to myself .. now .. just a minute .. that’s not how I see myself .. and I changed the picture … to me as a light energy .. flitting over the heads of everybody .. barely touching them as I moved. So it goes to prove that … at lease to me … and I could be wrong on it too … but I don’t think so … that light matter creates a lightness in us when the balance tips more towards it and dark matter makes us heavy .. as I was in my past … but because it is all behind me in my past .. I am able to observe it .. from both sides of the fence .. giving me a much more clearer view.  
That we are spiritual beings with a capacity to be the type of energy flow we want to be for our lives and a stupid and dumb way of thinking tends to screw things for humankind without them even realising that they caused it to themselves. And now let me come to the lesson to be learnt through this simple explanation.  Why are some people dwarfs … have physical disabilities … etc .. this is not understood by everybody that a preponderance of dark matter in them is what they leaned into as the energy for their lives and that energy brought them their gifts through their minds.  It is sad that this can even come about or come to pass when the suggestions come to them from out of themselves or another energy .. even parents are notorious for being the creators of bad energy from out of themselves … poisoning the light energy with which children are born.  This is the saddest form of control and spirit did this to me to try to control me .. but after a while I saw through their ruse and refused to follow that path. I accept through these words .. that parents will always be blessed with the power to understand light and dark as energy for themselves and their children’s lives and by simply accepting this creates a more beautiful world.