Tag Archive | gifts


MasterMind Roda says …. ALONE I AM ENOUGH.


Working with any knowledge releases its secrets … and God must have had big plans to help us all .. for I worked with God through my mind 24/7.  My first success was MasterMind and let me tell you quite categorically that I will swear on all that’s holy that it is a book in a million … capable of gifting you through your mind all the many things you desire.  This is no idle boast … but at the same time I also guarantee that you will receive nothing unless you are ready to put yourself to the test … a litmus test so to speak … a trial by fire.  It is the only way to learn hard truths …. keep on at them and force the truths out in the open. Right now .. your present finds you a servant to God … forever dependent on it …. for all that you receive and the many pitfalls in your life when you don’t.  Nobody but nobody respects a servant .. for it shows you up in your worst attire … a lazy so and so … carping at life without the willingness to do something about it. Deriding the many options god puts in your path … seeking the easy way out.  God is forever the Master .. the part of your mind who allows God to work through it … and the devil the part of you .. the body that must do the hard work … for it alone pays … but the difference with working with this formula … is that when you are at it .. it is time well spent … in a peaceful atmosphere doing what you love … for it will bring you what you desire for your life … for then you have divided yourself in to the 2 parts of God … God and devil.  God controls the devil in us … making you bow .. till you get stronger in mind  .. and say … what cheek … I will work but in my own way. Your individual mind beginning to assert itself for your life. Fighting for you .. and then you begin to see how much you are really proud of yourself .. how much love you are willing to lavish on the self.  Now you begin to see the God in you .. for along the way .. even when your big goal is not received .. many many small gifts will be received by you .. showing you quite categorically … stick with me if you want what you want …. I must teach you in my own way.

A trial by fire that may not otherwise have yielded any result … by working with God a support system gets generated for you by god through all other creations. This .. friend .. is the absolute truth of the world … for a master of your destiny you be  through this formula. I saw through my angels how his actually works in our world … when spirit would point out …is person will buy your book … and I would imperiously say .. I am not interested in single buyers for my desire is to see my book sold in the millions … that is the miracle I had wanted for my life.  I can’t think small or less to save my life. For me everything must be grand .. over the top … not one house – but many houses / not one car – but many cars, etc etc. I guess God pitted me in his image for if there was a lesson to be shared … it had better be the best.

Just see the results strewn over the internet of people struggling to make the law of attraction work.  If you are lucky … some master will let you into their database to market to .. a highly unlikely wish at best … for if there is one devil the world pays obseiance to .. IS MONEY.  

If you are nodding your head in disagreement .. then please leave this page alone …. for MONEY is the necessary devil without which life will come to a grinding halt … America is witness to that … and it is predicted to get worse.  People who have not made the necessary changes of focussing on god to help them out of the mess … just become rudderless .. then the real devil strikes.

Illnesses … inability to accept food as nourishing finds most of the good stuff simply vanishing from your dining table. I actually experienced this when out of stupidity I entertained diabetes as a friend in my mind. The gifts she gave me reminded me of the real devil. This was around the same time as I authored MasterMind and so I talked myself out of diabetes .. then asthma .. then colds and coughs till I reached the perfection in mind of god and now I never suffer from anything .. I am free.  Even then the devil would not leave me alone … for as I write to teach .. it would try to bother me by making me feel a slight itch in my throat and I would tell … I screw you to your own cross … you are my past and have no business being in my present . Through the buddha an important lesson was learnt by me …. if anybody tries to give you a gift you do not like .. you have no business to accept it. For the hidden punishment must be understood by you as its hidden agenda and it serves you not well. You will then have slipped to becoming the servant and not the master of your life. So did you even begin to comprehend that a freedom of illnesses is possible through the mind through MasterMind. I know it is and I enjoy these gifts each and every day … reducing my woes into nothingness .. even as I shared and shared my many messages of freedom with random acts of kindness through a sharing … even when people were unkind .. that was my cross to bear … makes me feel a bit like how Jesus must have felt .. for till date I see that not even a few understand the messages he brought down for mankind. I came across the lost testament of   Thomas and it made so much sense to me .. all its layers opening up for me … the words and then the truths of god … true pearls of wisdom that have stood the test of time … knowledge hidden and kept safe till mankind was once again shown it … asking them again and again .. are you ready to begin .. I am the safety net of you as a god. How much longer do you want to remain dumb.

Its not as if you don’t have time .. I will free the time necessary for you to work and learn .. by sharing so much knowledge with your mind that no extra time is required to search and delve for what you need for your life.





The mass hysteria I have been seeing all around me …. the amount of information being shared on illnesses … each one trying to outdo their friends to sharing all the gory details that come out of a fertile mind needing an outlet and finding it in the wrong field. One that is totally detrimental to you. So go and dig deep and “dudes” go join the scientists. There are so many ready to take up cudgels on youtu.be videos. They have not an iota of knowledge but join the herd as sheep. Now if you are to follow something … why not God … that way even as a sheep you are in glad company … but what happens when you chase the devil (also known as bad thoughts) like sheep. Take a good hard look at your own country (america) and see what all is happening. You are guilty as charged of finding new and newer diseases to kill yourself with. My strongest wish that they remain in your own country and never travel to other parts of the world. That way the damage can be contained.

All the natural disasters … the illnesses … the failed relationships … the abject poverty now being seen in America is caused by themselves. Isn’t your motto … for the people .. of the people … by the people .. coming true for yourselves when you go awry. Its called being a nincompoop god … the one that has the power of a better life but goes hell-bent hurtling towards disaster. Love me or hate me .. I speak truths. Truths are not difficult to digest when you know they are for your own good. In this day and age only a person like me who shares knowledge of you to yourself .. who shows you the mirror to take a good hard look … and points the way out through knowledge that is more defining for a better life for you. Make no mistake my book MasterMind is a pill too .. but its a sugar coated one. The doctor he sends you to purgatory but MasterMind saves you from that purgatory. It is the truth .. for God shared this dream with me almost 4 years ago …. I understood that another economic crisis was coming on and it is now upon you. At such times .. you need to go within yourself .. into heart and mind and come up with answers that are 100% the solution to your life. You see the beauty of God .. knowledge was shared through MasterMind to bless America much before you needed it … but funnily collective man is a weird creature .. its only when he hits rock bottom that he starts looking up. But then don’t you get the direness of the situation .. suffering has then become a bedfellow in your life. Why wait for that .. is my question ?? Why wait for that .. is my question ?? Why not go the preventive way … have knowledge that strengthens the mind against the influence of the devil at work. The devil has no option … for he lives in your head .. its you who needs to take action to eliminate stupid thoughts that collectively ruin lives.

This is a conversation on my facebook. The person (possibly unknowingly) shared some info read somewhere else.But when they are not connected to god mind and therefore not able to analyse truths shared through their own minds .. a disastrous situation has the potential to happen. We have the option of eliminating this for our own lives through MasterMind for that is what god showed me that we may expect from MasterMind.When you read MasterMind … as it is powerful .. it connects you to truths of God .. another name for them are blessings .. for they prevent harm.

And guess what .. you simply cannot disregard me for I come to help you … you have to cut across religion and social barriers and find the power that lies in your own mind. It then becomes an America you create through all of you coming together in your own circle or community. Share share and then share this site and help it go viral. If there is any doubt read this article at least 3 times to understand that you will have taken control of an entire country’s future one at a time. Many hands make work light. Are you up to the task ?? You must be … for in the end you must answer your own heart when it questions … and you don’t have the answers. Why not simply walk the hero’s journey. See everything unfold before your very eyes. The more that take action faster … brings faster results. Don’t delay and make the waiting longer. America was built by many hands who left their home and hearth for greener pastures. They took a lot of struggle in their stride to create a beautiful world for you their children. Can’t you give a little … for the future of your children too !!

Nicola Tesla once said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
The only thing that has changed from his time to ours is the illusion of linear time.
Energy, can be neither created or destroyed. Everything is energy. Energy follows thought (intent).
Thought becomes belief. Belief becomes Reality, (perceived) and Reality, manifests as Destiny…
which can be found in the dictionary between destination; & destitute.

who says energy can never be destroyed are doing a disservice to mankind .. for bad energy gets a new lease of life through that thinking. I am of the opinion that bad energy must be destroyed or flipped by an alchemist of the mind .. to recreate goodness in the world. That is the only way one may accept that the world is moving towards perfection. Do your own thinking rather than copy blindly what was shared by perhaps an ordinary mind in the past. But the world is in a terrible state right now and needs minds with the power of thought to rewrite the mistakes created by the past.
